These are our electronics fundamentals. You can use these to learn the basics of circuit design.

Start by understanding resistors in series and parallel, and how to use ohms law to calculate equivalent resistance. Then learn a little about transistors. Finally, pick up some new skills about how to prototype electronics projects.
Circuit and Schematics
Our articles are meant to be approachable for beginners. If you are new to electronics, check out our circuit and schematic articles first.
Learning how to combine resistors in series and parallel is a useful skill when you are tackling home automation projects. This series of articles helps you understand the basics of how to calculate equivalent resistance values.
Capacitors and Transistors
Now that you've got an understanding of resistors, it's time to tackle some more difficult topics, such as capacitors, transistors, and signal flow.
There's much more content on this site related to home automation, electronics, and programming. Check out a few of our other articles below.