GrandpaâÂÂs Garden is a collection of hints and tips to help you get more enjoyment out of your garden. Grandpa in his native habitat - the garden. Suggested Grandpa's Garden Articles I Have Peas and Swiss Chard Coming Up That's what you get when you mulch with garden waste. Volunteer veggie plants make me smile because they remind me of how much effort I take in my seed planting to ensure the depth is correct. The Clouds Disappeared and the Mercury Soared I had to remove all my cold frames from the broccoli and cauliflower because they wilted. I watered them and gave them shade and they have started to perk back up. PGIF (Peas Go in First) Spring Planting (Peas Go In First) Spring planting is hearlded by the planting of the peas. Soaking The Soil With a mud ball there is no root tearing, friction or abrasion and they don't even know they were moved until they meet the new neighbors. . You Should Journal in the Garden It was a small week at a glance, and I just wanted to learn when things could be planted. I would enter planting dates for the veggies I was interested in from different sources. The Weather Is Cooperating With The Summer I've got inch and a half long zucchini. Starting them early and keeping them in cold frames has paid off. The Smell of Burning Leaves Burn season isn't even over yet and our local yokals are at it again. I can't believe we are not all on the same page when it comes to burning leaves. We Had The Sweetest Carrots For Dinner They were Scarlet Nantes which are short and sweet. I thought they were Danvers Half Long so I picked them when their tops were only three quarters of an inch in diameter. The Tiny Grey Mice Buds As the warmth continues I'm ready to plant corn and green beans. I've cut a piece of clear plastic into a 5'x7' sheet and put it over the first spot that I'll be planting corn. I Got A Row Of Peas Planted The puppy's name is Anny, and my garden may never be the same. She thoroughly enjoyed running up and down the bird netted trellis, barking and biting at it. Many Years Ago I Planted Two Asters One was purple flowered and one was white. The purple one died a few years ago and now the white one gets purple flowers at the end of the season. I Rigged Up My Shade Cloth Yesterday I got a lot of weeding done under it. It was actually fun for the first three quarters of it because the slightest movement of air would hit my sweaty body and cool me off. More Gardening Articles