GrandpaâÂÂs Garden is a collection of hints and tips to help you get more enjoyment out of your garden. Grandpa in his native habitat - the garden. Suggested Grandpa's Garden Articles I Seem To Have Lost My Hand Weeder Again It makes no never mind because most of the weeds are big enough to require my four pronged garden fork. I've been calling it a spade, but I was wrong. We Are Eating Corn On The Cob Again After the freeze killed the stalks I picked all the ears and put them in the refrigerator. I don't know if they ripened in there or just turn yellow when cooked. I Went To Pick Up the Dead Leaves Ladybug nymphs look like little black and orange alligators, and are more voracious eaters of aphid than the adults are, so I left the leaves alone. I'll let nature take its course. Whelp I Did It Again - Rigged Up My Shade Cloth Rigged up my shade cloth and got a huge chunk of ground cleared. I was glad I had watered it the day before because it took only about 15 min. I Picked A Bowl Of Brussels Sprouts I usually wait until the frost kills the aphid and pick in November, but I had an entire stalk of one inch sized sprouts and didn't want to lose them. Having removed the lower leaves let me watch the sprouts grow larger, so I've been anticipating their harvest for a month. Critters in the Garden They are formidable adversaries because they are highly intelligent and dexterous. Their front paws can open containers, gates and latches. My Weeping Water Wand Is No Engineering Wonder It's creation was the result of what was available from an old drip line. All I could find was a hose connecting T and some half inch tubing. I Sharpened My Hula Hoe Today It made a huge difference in ease of weeding. I've been used to small one inch weeds but this spring I've got behemoths. I Started Harvesting Garlic Today They say the bulbs are done when the first four outer leaves are brown. Only my tips were brown so I dug some up to see if they were done. Gardening is Fun and Funny The tiny white spiders had connected the dots between plants, and a slight breeze made the webs all shimmer. Pollinators swarmed the Aster bushes, and yellow jackets did their zig zag hunting maneuvers down the pathways. Leave No Soil Uncovered They formed a 3' tall hedge. I'll still get florets from my second planting until the corn starts ripening, and then who needs broccoli. As I Punched My Dibble Into The Soil I realized the ground was dry. Having dew on the grass in the mornings made me think plenty of moisture was in the dirt. More Gardening Articles