October 20, 2016
Many years ago I started a garden journal. It was a small week at a glance, and I just wanted to learn when things could be planted. I would enter planting dates for the veggies I was interested in from different sources. Everyone has a different take on heartiness, depending on what microclimate they are working in, so none of my sources agree. It's been fun to test the limits..
I just use a scratch pad to keep track of the fish emulsion schedule, and throw the sheets away at the end of summer. It gets applied every three weeks during the growing season, and every batch of plants is on a different schedule, so I apply it every week to different plants. Way too much to try and remember..
October 23, 2016
Back when I didn't think there was any problems growing Brussels sprouts I used to get 3' tall stalks covered with 1" sprouts in November when the cold nights would kill all the aphids on them. Then one year I didn't. I got short bushes on kohlrabi sized stumps and loose leaves in the stem crotches. This year I have short bushes with loose leaves and stems with no sprouts yet..
I checked back at my seeds and found they might have been a Jade cross back when I was successful, and now Iv'e got a Long Island Improved type. I can't believe there could be that much difference in types of Brussels sprouts, but I'll go back to the Jade next year..