January 08, 2020
While removing the bermuda grass runners that were coming under the fence I discovered they stayed close to the surface where the straw was thick. They followed the 'sweet spot' in the black, decomposing straw on top of the ground. This made them easy to pull up. Kinda like a zipper..
I've noticed this phenomenon with zucchini and tomato roots before, so I may keep the fence line thick with straw mulch this summer, and encourage the runners to stay shallow. Kill 'em with kindness. Heck, maybe I should fertilize them so the runners don't have to travel so far for nutrients..
January 09, 2020
I found maggots under my occulting tarp. Gross. They are doing the same thing as the sow bugs, worms, slugs, and crickets, by eating dead plant material and turning it into microbe food, so why have I distain for them? I think that the gag reflex that decomposing flesh causes leads to an adversion of the maggots consuming it, even though their efforts will eliminate the carcus and the smell. They are actually as beneficial as the bees by cleaning up all the waste that would otherwise putrify and contaminate the environment..
They only eat dead material, not like our slugs that attack tender plants as well. Shout out to the maggots. Our lowly, humble unappreciated servants..
January 10, 2020
Sometimes it's difficult to muster up enthusiasm for gardening when there's snow in the forecast. Walking in the woods is fun on a snowy day, but working in the garden can be frustrating. Overwintering veggies this year has been a burden, not a joy. As they decline in vigor so do I. It's like torturing plants and feeling responsible for their well being. Freshly planted spinach in the spring is a joy, but my overwintering spinach has been sitting there doing nothing and making me feel like a fool..
Every time I look at them I'm looking to see how they are surviving instead of looking to see how well they are doing. It's a downer. Sometimes it might be better to just let the garden alone in the winter. Enjoy it for it's serenity without feeling compelled to get anything from it. "A time to reap, a time to sow"..