Grow More Greenhouse Review 2018
I recently purchased an 8x12 EasyGrow Greenhouse from I chose the EasyGrow kit mostly because of cost.
I've Always Liked Bringing the Cauliflower In
That won't be the case anymore. Each of the four cauliflower heads that I just harvested had between 6 and 10 cabbage moth cattapillers hiding up inside.
Leggy Veggie Starts
Sometimes I intentionally "test" one theory against another, and sometimes nature forces that test on me.
My Garden Often Feels Like A Dissertation
An extremely complex body of work composed one word at a time. I find myself absorbing it one word at a time and letting sentences unfold.
November Is a Good Time To Get Garden Pathways Mulched
Leaves are plentiful this time of year so that's what I use. They stay in the low spots, which my pathways are, so l don't need to continually rake them back.
Lettuce and Zucchini
The lettuce are getting dappled sunlight, not complete shade , so they can continue to photosynthesize. They also enjoy the extra humidity when I sprinkle water on the stalks.
Happy New Year Gardeners
Sitting inside the greenhouse door, watching the snow blow horizontally by, listening to the freight train roar of the wind, I wondered if I should put off starting my spring garden. Some days gardening is just an excuse for not doing other things like work.
PGIF (Peas Go in First) Spring Planting
(Peas Go In First) Spring planting is hearlded by the planting of the peas.
Garden Chair
I move it from sun to shade and do most of my prioritizing from it. From this throne I can see when the corn leaves are starting to turn dull, or the zucchini leaves wilt and know it's time to water.
I got to Fish Emulsion my Crucifers Today
Plant asparagus once, and harvest it for 20 years. If everything in the garden was as easy, we'd have nothing left to do except weeding.
The Artichokes That I Divided Are Growing Already.
The leaves are spreading out and the plants are getting taller.
The Carrots are Up
I've been holding off until warmer weather to plant summer crops, but it rained today and I had my choice of kneeling down in the rain weeding, or sitting on the rug in front of the fake fireplace planting seeds. I realized that I want the perpetual spinach to be mature by the fall so I can cut it back to overwinter, so I needed to get it started now.
Now That the Leaves Have Fallen Off
It's much easier to see where you want to cut . I don't think there's a right way or wrong way trim them unless you're a commercial grower.
Bad News On the Home Front Today
The ground has been frozen for a couple weeks and the cats have found easy digging on my compost rich garden mounds. They leave their deposits under a little pile of dirt so I can easily go along and remove them, but it's not a warm fuzzy feeling to add to my spring planting pleasure.
It Got Down To 20°F Last Night
I've got a clean raised bed in the greenhouse that's just begging to grow something. I even dragged two furrows 10" apart in it because it looks better that way than flat.
I Scored a Whole Wheelbarrow Full of Wet Hay
It's a welcome looking contrast to all the melon mounds that are encircled by leaves. I don't have any leaves in storage for spring yet because I keep finding more places for them.
All of the Garlic Are Up Now
I've had to weed the patch already to, not because of weeds , but because of a plethora of poppies plants. When poppies finish going to seed their stems are tan colored like straw mulch, so when they fall to the ground I leave them, hence I'll never run out of poppies.
It's Time To Get Your Winter Squash
Acorn, spaghetti, and butternut squash will start to mold if they sit on the damp ground for too long. Cut them from the vines leaving an inch of stem, wipe them down with a 1% bleach solution, and put them in a cool place that doesn't freeze.
When the Ground is Frozen Stay Out of the Garden
I can get a pretty good soil amendment using only leaves and grass clippings but additional garbage makes for a sticky, chunky mess. You can get a bag of steer manure for $.
Getting The Weeding Done In The Garden
I had broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts in rootbound six packs, and didn't have time to weed outside the areas they were going. They got planted in assorted rows in two patches because they have the same water requirements.
Remember What Peace There May Be In Silence
The fog has replaced the shadows, and gray is in the air. Dormancy abounds and the gardens life is muted.
I Found a Wilted Corn Patch Today
90° temperatures and full sun all day so I shouldn't be surprised. Watering is becoming an every day necessity now, and I'm glad the plants can tell us when they need it.
I Trapped Another Rat In The Same Place
It was the same size too, and I'm wondering if I got two adults or two adolescents. I guess I'll find out by resetting the trap and waiting.
Another Warm Sunny Day and I Begin Thinking
I did the first batch of them on February 10th last year and struggled to keep them alive through innumerable freezes and relentless rain. Our last frosts we're on May 7th, May 18th, and I heard the wind turbine early on May 25th.
The Most Colorful Thing In the Garden
They seem to be taking over the fence line from the grapes. They don't lose their leaves in the winter so I'm getting more and more seclusion.
Try Eating the Leaves of your Broccoli
There was nothing in the water after the first rince. I don't know how long it will be before we eat them because the cook turned her nose up at them.
I Got A Row Of Peas Planted
The puppy's name is Anny, and my garden may never be the same. She thoroughly enjoyed running up and down the bird netted trellis, barking and biting at it.
We Can Go Ahead And Plant Beets, Carrots, Green Onions, And Lettuce
I'll probably plant it April 15th like I used to do before our zone change. I'm going to slide everything back because climate change is causing unpredictable weather.
Hydroponic Lettuce
After discovering bus boxes from the restaurant industry I think I've found the best possible solution. They are food grade plastic and nice and deep.
Hydroponic Dutch Buckets
I've never had as wonderful growth as I've had in dutch buckets. The results are simply amazing.
A Flock of Sparrows Dive Bombed
They were everywhere, covering all the plants, and scarifying the ground.
Gardening Resolutions
Im'a gonna get more exercise. I think we Grampa gardeners could all get on that bandwagon.
It's Time To Make Up Your Christmas List
The stems that came out from your main plants, touched down on the ground and rooted, are called daughters. You can cut the stems and dig up the plants, replant the daughters, and double your strawberry patch.
There Are Two Foot Tall Snapdragons Growing
They are too big to transplant so I will either have to make a new trellis or plant my peas on the fence line. If I had a north side of my garden fence, that wasn't covered in grape vines, this would be fine because the majority of the peas would develop on the south side of the vines, and the deer couldn't eat them.
No Gardening Got Done On Christmas Day
Once you get out of the house and start moving around lots of things will dispel your cabin fever. Being cold makes you want to go back in but a fire keeps you entertained.
My Youngest Son Got a Pop up Greenhouse
He doesn't want to 'pop it up' until snow is out of the forecast because he doesn't want to start his flower seeds in an igloo.
I'm Delighted To Have A Coyote Patrolling The Garden
Every garden invader is at risk now. Mice, gophers, rats, possums, raccoons, rabbits and squirrels are all prey, so I should be having fewer invasions.
Good News All You Pizza Lovers
Now that tomatoes have risen on the nutritional scale so has pizza, because tomato sauce counts. If you put onions, peppers, mushrooms and olives on it you get health food instead of junk food.
There Is No Place For Antibacterial Hand Soap In the Garden
Why kill the bacteria before washing them off your hands. They have a job to do wherever they're going.
The Garlic and Onion Sets Are Already Coming Up
I'll move my mini greenhouses over them when the weather turns cold and see if we can't have chard all winter again like last year. It's been such a warm November that all the cauliflower came to head and the two rows of transplanted Brussels sprouts are forming sprouts.