February 02, 2017
So it's ground hog day today and Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. That means we will get six more weeks of winter. Don't believe it. The mercury hit 61 here today. I saw a dandelion and a frog. You can smell the grass, and the dirt. February brings rain but gardening begins..
In between rain squalls you can plant out your broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage starts, or get them from your local nursery. You can direct seed carrots, spinach, green onions and beets. You can start indoors your melon, squash and cucumbers. And get some corn patches ready. I plant corn April 15th and have never lost a crop. ( I've had to cover it at night sometimes but,ya know, the thrill of victory..
February 03, 2017
The tree trimming crew needs to cut some branches over our power line and asked if we would like the shreddings. I can't think of a better garden pathway mulch so I said sure. They then asked me how many 9 yard truckloads I'd like. It looks like they will be getting 9 truckloads from our area that we can have..
When you have horses you always have muddy spots in the winter and shredded trees help fill in the puddles. All the flower beds will get some too. I'm looking forward to mulching with it and am really glad we have a tractor..
February 04, 2017
Some of my insect friends have returned to keep me company in the garden. The tiny black gnats that share my peripheral vision. I call them "no see 'ems" because when you look toward them they disappear. The little white spiders that seem to spend more time sitting than making webs, and the gray leafhoppers that look like thorns on the star thisle stems..
The willow buds are cracking open like popcorn kernels. My spring is here. Go see if you can find yours..