January 01, 2017
Happy new year gardeners. Sitting inside the greenhouse door, watching the snow blow horizontally by, listening to the freight train roar of the wind, I wondered if I should put off starting my spring garden. Some days gardening is just an excuse for not doing other things like work. This was one of those days. Watch the snow and ponder. I realized that my indoor January starts of lettuce and spinach were going to be planted directly into the greenhouse beds as soon as they developed their root system, so anytime in February would be OK..
The broccoli and cauliflower starts might need a cover of plastic for awhile but I've got that taken care of. I have wire hoops with bird netting already attached so I just cover them with plastic. I guess all systems are go. Spring peas get planted outdoors February 2nd, and for you adventurous types, spinach on the 5th..