I've Taken The Mini Greenhouses Off The Spinach

Thumbnail image of Bob Bauer
Bob Bauer
November 18, 2019 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 2 minutes

November 18, 2019

I've taken the mini greenhouses off the spinach and lettuce because they could use the extra light and air circulation. Daytime temps in the mid 60s, and nights in the mid 30s are like springtime for them. I'll put them back on when we see freezes on the horizon, and I'll close the greenhouse door. Three pickings for each so far, so I'm glad I planted them. They are a bright and cheerful addition to an otherwise dreary landscape, and growing things through the winter keeps you from getting "cabin fever". Just walking the pathways is entertaining, and there is one curved section of pathway that always makes me slow down..

I don't know why. I just start takinig smaller steps and wonder why I was going so fast. I've learned to walk fast because there was always so much to do. There is no reason to walk fast in the garden, and I should have learned that by now..

November 19, 2019

My November entries into my garden journal number exactly zero. It may not be a busy month for gardening but that doesn't make it an insignificant one. I got thirsty working on fencing and dropped by the garden for a cup of water. I sat down and marveled at the peacefulness of it. It's open, airy, bright and tidy. It's a place to rest now, not a place to work. An oasis in the busy world of responsibility..

A place to reflect and observe, and remember. I remember the bean stem that had ten long strait bean pods on it. I was impressed and have been trying to replicate it ever since. Every place in the garden has a history of successes and failures. Memories and discoveries are littered before you like the birds that keep scratching your straw into the pathways..

November 20, 2019

Your November gardening tasks have no" hurry" attached to them, they can extend all the way through December. The dormant season has it's rewards. It's a great time to decorate to achieve the feel you prefer. One of my sons got on a list for wood chip deliveries and has gotten so many loads that all his garden pathways are covered. It's a good look, and if weed barrier is down under it, will last a long time..

I've become more aware of the rocks in my garden now that it's not so cluttered. They have increased in importance and bring a sense of the natural environment into the garden. They anchor down the corners and become reference points. It's where the lizards will hide in the summer, and where the shadows lurk now..

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