May 31, 2017
I started harvesting garlic today. They say the bulbs are done when the first four outer leaves are brown. Only my tips were brown so I dug some up to see if they were done. Digging them up too early can cause you to sacrifice size, but digging too late will hinder storage. It won't matter to me either way because the cook got tired of garlic..
Too much of a good thing I guess. Curing them is simply a matter of letting them dry in a warm, dark, dry area that has good air circulation like under a porch. Last year my onions didn't cure well because I put them on a plastic sheet, on the ground, in a stall and the air circulation was lacking. This year they will be up on a plank that is supported by two sawhorses..
June 01, 2017
No matter how tight your cauliflower head is, or how closed your artichoke leaves are, they both need to be plopped in a bowl of water for a few minutes to discourage the unwanted kitchen visitors that lurk within. Artichokes are earwig's outhouses. I don't know why they feel the need for privacy, but they do. Lots of little brown dots in the water informs you of their past misconduct . You'll see the earwigs swimming around in the water along with the ants that were protecting the aphids..
The aphid can be removed by a bit of water spray, as they seem to cling on in spite of being submerged awhile.The cauliflower hosts not only these pests but also cabbage moth caterpillars, slugs and baby earthworms and tiny spiders. It's a zoo. I don't soak the broccoli unless I can see aphid on it because it seems to stink once it gets wet..
June 02, 2017
This morning there was a pile of scat in the garden under the plum tree that the raccoon had planted years ago with his scat. This scat is full of cherry seeds. Our cherry tree is empty and there are sticks and leaves laying under it. This raccoon comes into the garden to poop after stripping the cherry tree up at the house. There is no damage in the garden, so I guess it's just a drop off point..
The raccoon I caught last year under the plum tree must have been a different one. Hard to believe two different raccoons, a year apart, choose the same poop spot. I should feel honored?..