Malabar Spinach and Brussels Sprouts

Thumbnail image of Bob Bauer
Bob Bauer
August 10, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

August 09, 2016

Caught a possum in the garden trap last night. I was surprised until I googled " possum tracks " and saw how similar they are to raccoon tracks. I've been misreading sign for many years. It took a heat wave to get my Malabar Spinach to start flourishing. Now it's beginning to climb and producing enough edible leaves that I'm losing my resentment at it. It's been an under producing, over attention demanding crop since day one..

It likes to grow in hot climates like India or Africa and so I started the seeds inside my greenhouse under clear plastic after soaking the seeds overnight. I still only got a 50% germination rate and after they came up they just sat there. Didn't bother to even grow for weeks. They got water and frowns every single day. Now im'a gonna eat'em..

August 09, 2016

A row of bush beans got pulled up this morning and spread out around the artichoke plant that had the pea vines put around it awhile back. The pea vines were almost gone with only some of the stems remaining. It's amazing how fast the soil can eat your mulch, and the more you mulch the faster it will disappear. A healthy earthworm population requires constant feeding and I don't even shred very much material anymore..

They do a fine job of it and the mulch lasts a little longer. If you find pieces of grass, hay or stems sticking up from a spot in your garden, like hairs on a wart, it's the work of night crawler's that attempt to drag their food down into their tunnel. You have a good thing going, tread lightly..

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