December 30, 2019
I'm delighted to have a coyote patrolling the garden perimeter at night. Every garden invader is at risk now. Mice, gophers, rats, possums, raccoons, rabbits and squirrels are all prey, so I should be having fewer invasions. Trapping is fun though, but dispatching the animals is not. Mr. Coyote is welcome to them. He was just outside the back gate yesterday, standing perfectly still. I thought he was a small, skinny buckbrush next to the pathway where I didn't remember one being before..
I stopped and looked and he stared at me from 25 yards away. I didn't move so he wouldn't, and he didn't move so I wouldn't see him. Locked in time we were. Me in awe of the moment, and the exquisite beauty of one of nature's finest examples of survival skills. He in anticipation of 'fight or flight'. I was moved. I'll never forget..
December 31, 2019
I got my trays and six packs cleaned and sanitized yesterday, in the rain, like always. I seem to always be doing this task in the rain, on my knee pads, on my pallet in front of the garden faucet. I could go indoors but I kinda hate being inside unless I'm tired or hungry. If I were to be buried instead of cremated, I wouldn't even want a casket. Just wrap me in burlap and sprinkle fish emulsion over me..
Put me two feet under and I'll be ready for spring planting. Instead of fish emulsion for my seed starting this year, my son introduced me to a product called Pure Blend Pro Gro by Botanicare. It's got an NPP of 324 derived from the organic components of fish meal, composted seabird guano, kelp, rock phosphate, potassium carbonate, magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate. I'm excited to see how well my starts will do..
January 01, 2020
Two crows flying overhead with moss in their beaks for the annual building of their nest took a detour around the garden. I was a bit insulted since I've always been on good terms with the crows. I throw the mice I've caught over the garden fence where the crows have perched in the dead cottonwood branches. They swoop down and give me a squak as they pick up the treat. Then I realized that my cute little garden pup has grown into a full fledged Golden Retriever..
Crows don't like dogs, especially ones that bark at them. She has caused so little trouble in the garden that she's now a welcome companion. She constantly interrupts my working to remind me to play, which is something I should have learned by now..