January 15, 2017
The snow has finally melted off the Walla Walla onion patch and boy do they look terrible. Broken stems, missing tips, chewed spots, bent, twisted and pathetic. This was not a good year to try and get an early start. The artichokes looked like mushy Brussels sprouts when they first emerged from the snow, but after a few days of sunshine are starting to unfurl, and I can see they will be fine..
The garlic is still buried in snow but I know it will be in better shape than the onions because it was planted as sets, not starts like the onions, so it is heartier and more acclimated. In a few more days I may be able to find my beets..
January 16, 2017
I was sitting in the garden sunshine yesterday and heard the buzzing of a pollinator. A big fly landed on my hand. It was the best fly encounter ever because it means the worst of the cold winter might be over..
The sun felt so good on my cheek that I turned my face to the sun. I felt like a plant absorbing the warmth of the light, then I remembered that my skin was photosynthesizing vitamin D from the UV radiation, and I sucked the fragrance of life right out of thin air..