October 17, 2019
We are eating corn on the cob again. After the freeze killed the stalks I picked all the ears and put them in the refrigerator. I don't know if they ripened in there or just turn yellow when cooked. I don't care, I'm loving it. It's like getting back corn that was robbed from you. It may not be as sweet as mid summer corn but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. The spaghetti squash is so sweet that it tastes like my wife is adding sugar when she cooks it. Waiting to pick it until after a frost is probably a good idea..
She sprinked cinnamon on the butternut squash and it was like having desert with dinner. Growing winter squash is so easy because it tends to be trouble free. Plant it where it will get watered when other veggies do, and forget about it. When the frost kills the leaves harvest it. Eat squash all winter. End of story..
October 18, 2019
I brought a box of apples in to store with my spaghetti squash, pears, onions, garlic, and butternut squash and realized how important root cellers were for our ancestors. They didn't have enough room in their houses to store enough food for the winter. A cool temperature and darkness are required also so if I put them under the bed in the spare bedroom, close the heater vent, and keep the door closed, it should remain around 60ð..
They also stored beets, carrots, turnips, cabbage, acorn squash and potatoes. People are still building root cellers today because they prefer to save their healthy, home grown veggies instead of buying produce that may have a sordid history..
October 19, 2019
I found seven more kale volunteers in the garden while clearing out some weeds. Garden clean up should include poking around in the areas that are going to be left to harbor your overwintering insect buddies. Adding these to the four I found before, and the twenty or so chard volunteers that came up, we should be eating leafy greens all winter long. Overhead watering contributes to your germinating veggie seeds, as well as weed seeds, and free food is the result..
It's like eating weeds. I once had asparagus ferns germinating along the pathway that I dragged them out of the garden along, and I haven't planted flowers in the garden for years..