December 24, 2017
Good news all you pizza lovers. Now that tomatoes have risen on the nutritional scale so has pizza, because tomato sauce counts. If you put onions, peppers, mushrooms and olives on it you get health food instead of junk food. Taco pizza sounds good right now. How can beans, ground meat, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, onions and corn tortillas be anything but healthy? I just heard of pizza with pears and arugula on it..
I don't get out much so this was a surprise to me. I guess anything can be a pizza topping if you're brave enough. Spinach leaves are tasty on pizza and they will help you remember where the pizza cutter is..
December 25, 2017
I got a bunch of new Jiffy seed starter refills from my son for Christmas, with the request that I start him some Perpetual Spinach, so I went ahead and started broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts and lettuce too. I know it's a wee bit early but we had help cleaning the stalls today so I had the afternoon off. Jumping the gun on summer crops can be disastrous like last year, but a little early on frost tolerant crops is ok, especially if you have hoop tunnels and plastic to protect them..
The seed starting mat that they are on will probably pop them up in three days, so I've got to be mindful and get the plastic off before they grow sideways. It begins..
December 26, 2017
We had kale again last night and I can confirm it's not bitter. The cold nights not only sweetened it up, but gave it a buttery taste like spinach. I had to ask the cook if it was indeed kale, and the knowing smile I got in return made me think she's found a new way to cook it. Makes no never mind to me, I'm love'n it. Gonna pick some more today..
The cold also made the picking more enjoyable because the caterpillars and aphid froze and fell off, so I don't even need to wash the !eaves. About every ten leaves has a white fly underneath it but a puff of air sends them on their way. Hopefully the hummingbirds will get them..