Flowers in the Vegetable Garden

Thumbnail image of Bob Bauer
Bob Bauer
September 01, 2016 (Last Updated: ) | Reading Time: 1 minutes

August 31, 2016

Jasmine nicotiana is a fun flower to have in the garden. It reseeds itself so you never know where they will be next year. Your garden gets rearranged for you. They open their flowers in the evening and permeate the garden with the sweet fragrance of ripe honeydew melon..

One of the deciding factors in when to pick a honeydew melon is when it smells sweet. I picked a lot last year that weren't ripe because I picked in the evening and was fooled by the fragrance of the flowers close by. The flowers attract hummingbirds in the evening, big hummingbird size moths at dusk and you just know that if you sit for a bit longer you'll see the jagged wings of bats against the night sky..

September 01, 2016

The garden is ablaze with color this time of year. The hollyhocks alone display all the shades of pink from white through crimson. There are so many snapdragon colors that a callus buffoon might use the word gaudy. The color yellow has more shades than I can name. Green comes in twenty million shades but I stopped counting at about twenty..

It's amazing when you realize that on the evolutionary scale we don't even need colors to survive. They are like nature's gifts and can have such an emotional impact on us that they cause us to pause. Similar to music. A touch we fail to define..

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